

邦人医療支援ネットワーク代表・米国日本人医師会元会長 コロンビア大学医学部循環器内科学教授 本間 俊一








邦人医療支援ネットワーク(Japanese Medical Support Network: 通称ジャムズネットの構想は、2005年8月在ニューヨーク日本国総領事館(以下:“総領事館”)に仲本光一医務官が着任され、コロンビア大学に私を訪ねて来られたときに端を発しています。常々、ニューヨークには医療や福祉などの分野に日本人の支援団体が多く存在しているにもかかわらず、相互の連携が少ないと感じていた私は、その旨を率直に申し上げました。仲本医務官はこれに賛同され、総領事館を中心に支援ネットワークの構築に取り組まれ、その結果、2006年1月にNY州政府認可の非営利団(NPO)ジャムズネットが発足しました。これは在ニューヨーク総領事館が協力し日系企業が支援する、言わば官民一体となった初めての邦人支援ネットワークの取り組みと申しても過言ではありません。その後在ニューヨーク総領事館のホームページに次々と参加団体のリストが掲載されるにつれ、団体相互の連携が一層加速され、日本人コミューニティへの有益な活動や情報提供が活発に行われるようになりました。2007年にはサブグループの一つとしてメンタル・ヘルス・ネットワーが、また2010年5月にはスペシャル・エデュケーション・ネットワークが発足しました。私は日本人コミューニティの健康、福祉、教育、心理に寄与する団体であれば少しでも多く参加していただきたいと考えております。2019年4月現在ジャムズネット参加団体は24に至っております。




Shunichi Homma, MD, MHCDS, FACC

Japanese Medical Support Network, Inc. (JAMSNET)

Past President
Japanese Medical Society of America, Inc. (JMSA)

M.M. Hatch Professor of Medicine
Deputy Chief, Division of Cardiology
Director, Noninvasive Cardiac Imaging
CMO, Columbia Doctors (FPO of Columbia University)
CMO, and interim CEO, Columbia Affiliated Physicians IPA
CMO for Columbia, new York Quality Care (ACO of NYPH/Columbia/Weill-Cornell)
Columbia University Medical Center



“History of JAMSNET and Our Vision”

邦人医療支援ネットワーク代表・米国日本人医師会元会長 コロンビア大学医学部循環器内科学教授 本間 俊一








April 2019

We formed a conceptual framework for JAMSNET (Japanese Medical Service Network) in August, 2005. Dr. Koichi Nakamoto visited us upon assuming the position of medical attache at the Consulate General’s office in NYC. At that time, we discussed that although there are many organizations working to assist Japanese communities, coordination, communication and collaboration of the groups could greatly improve. We then thought that the Consulate can work with us to organize such a forum. From this point on, collaboration of the Consulate with the community groups started and the collective collaborative body was named JAMSNET. We saw needs particularly in mental health area, and as a result, a subgroup called “Mental Health Network” was established within JAMSNET composed of groups specializing in mental health care. Similarly in 2010, “Special Education Network” was established. These groups were active in aiding Tohoku area after the 2011 earthquake, and the support activities continue to this day. JAMSNET in NYC now consists of 24 organizations spanning activities in physical and mental health, education, special needs, and community support.

Concept of group formation by those sharing the vision for Japanese community support has spurned JAMSNET-Tokyo in 2009, and in 2013, JAMSNET-Asia and JAMSNET-Canada were established. Subsequently, JAMSNET-Germany was formed; as such, 5 JAMSNETs now connect 45 countries. Currently, we are looking to form JAMSNETs in Australia, and in South America. JAMSNET Tokyo plays a special role in introducing advanced health and community activities information available from other JAMSNETs to audience in Japan. To communicate amongst the global JAMSNET community, we organized the first JAMSNET World Congress in NYC in 2014. All JAMSNETs now meet on an annual basis to promote collaboration and exchange of ideas (2019 JAMSNET World will be held in Singapore in November).

We would like JAMSNETs to represent the wishes and visions of those in community, academic, corporate, and government sectors to work together for the shared purpose. We look forward to continued collaboration with our colleagues throughout the world to better the lives of Japanese communities, wherever they may be.


Shunichi Homma, MD, MHCDS, FACC

Japanese Medical Support Network, Inc. (JAMSNET)

Past President
Japanese Medical Society of America, Inc. (JMSA)

M.M. Hatch Professor of Medicine
Deputy Chief, Division of Cardiology
Director, Noninvasive Cardiac Imaging
CMO, Columbia Doctors (FPO of Columbia University)
CMO, and interim CEO, Columbia Affiliated Physicians IPA
CMO for Columbia, new York Quality Care (ACO of NYPH/Columbia/Weill-Cornell)
Columbia University Medical Center
